Australian College of Animal Tactile Therapy

Information on Massage Therapy and Specific Exercises to Enhance Equine Movement

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Maintenance Equine Sports Massage

What is Maintenance Therapeutic Massage?

These therapies involve specific massage techniques used to release physical and emotional stress, alleviate physical problems and enhance sports performance. It is a specialized area of Equine Sports Therapy, which involves full assessment, treatment and reassessment within the horse’s training program and considering any injury or preexisting musculo-skeletal issues. Swedish Massage strokes are used in conjunction with therapeutic massage, range of motion testing and stretches to allow the clinician to feel problem areas and treat accordingly.

Click here to read more about the reasons to use routine sport massage in your training

Sports Therapy for Horses

Written By: Christine Scully ETT
BAppSci(Equine Studies) Honours Class One. C.Sturt. Dip. Equine Acupuncture. Cert Sp. Mass. Cert Nat Cert MFR. CertIV Training & Assessment
Principal Australian College of Animal Tactile Therapy
Professional Equine Tactile and Natural Therapist

Sports Therapy includes a number of activities including:
1. Specific Massage techniques to increase blood circulation and enhance mobility of joints by influencing deep and superficial soft tissues
2. Stretches to assist in elongating and maintaining muscle elasticity
3. Lymphatic drainage to enhance removal of fluid and toxins
4. Specific physical and rehabilitative exercises to reduce habitual patterns of movement and rebuild strength following sports related injury.

Click here to read more about Equine Sports Massage Therapy

Using Stretches in your Horse Training Program

How you can assist performance by adding a simple activity to aid and maintain muscle function....STRETCHING.

Sports people well know the value of stretching in their physical fitness routine. All of us, sports people or not, have seen athletes in all fields of sporting activities stretching during warm up and after exercise. If it is of such value to human athletes, why is it rare to see a rider cool, untack, and then stretch their equine athlete?
br> In horses we can stretch either actively (ie the horse acts to perform the stretch) or passively ...

Click here to learn more about stretching your horse

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Contact us
The Australian College of Animal Tactile Therapy

111 Spillers Road
Macclesfield. Victoria.
Australia 3782

03 5968 9788
